Modern Bundlephobia

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@mntm/painless-bridge | install@mntm/painless-bridge | brotlied@mntm/painless-bridge | gzipped

@mntm/painless-bridge GitHub license gzip bundle size brotli bundle size

Docs: RU | EN

A package for integrating VK Mini Apps with official VK clients for iOS, Android and Web.


  • Fixes storage API
  • Fixes token API
  • Fixes platform-specific errors
  • Fixes promise API resolution
  • Fixes mvk request ids
  • Generates stable request ids
  • Allows you to use any method
  • Supports tree-shaking


We recommend to use yarn for dependency management:

yarn add @mntm/painless-bridge


Development of @mntm/painless-bridge happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements.


@mntm/painless-bridge is MIT licensed.